MXB Vision™ Intelligent filling system
With MXB Vision™ IFS, which we developed for petrol filling stations, the license plates of vehicles entering the station are automatically read. At which filling point the vehicle stops and filling, a command is given to the collection system connected to the pump on the workstation side and the vehicle information is automatically sent to the invoice to be created.Thus, the vehicle can be fueled automatically without a pumper and without entering the license plate information.
In the interface at MXB Vision™ IFS Workstation; Camera, island, pump and fuel definitions are made. Thus, the workstation connects directly to the 16 IP cameras in the fuel station and automatically reads the license plate in the image. The necessary information is automatically sent to the pump's collection system.
In case BlasarX IFS ANPR is requested, It connects to the police station database servers and sends the information of all vehicles refueling from the fuel station. According to the information received from the police station, problem vehicles are not fueled.
Technical Specifications
- 22" Touchscreen All In One Workstation
- 16ch NVR
- 512GB SSD
- 4TB SATA 7/24
- 8GB Memory
- Wireless network
- Wireless Keyboard & mouse
- DC 12V 5A External Power
- 2 years warranty
- BlasarX™ IFS Manager Software